Wednesday, September 24, 2008



I drift into modes….
I drift into thoughts…
I sit back… Aaahhh…comfort….
I smile…thinking I’ve hit jack pot…I lie down…
let the pleasure of knowing I’ve got it all planned sink in…
Hmmm….my eyes close …(please don’t!!)

I drift…yet again…
OMG…not the thoughts again…
Never the less….lemme think …
Where was I??..Oh ya…I’ve hit jackpot…or…have I???
Is it piss? Pouring down my pants??? Ha….I wish…
It’s the pleasure of knowing I’ve got it all planned…
I sit back… yet again… minus the comfort
And learn yet another of life’s valuable lessons…

When you hit jack pot…STOP FRICKIN THINKIN!!!

1 comment:

fahd said...

Ok... so if it wasn't piss, then what exactly was pouring down your pants...